
권영선 (Kwon, Youngsun)
기술경영학부 | 교수
N22, #310
- Field of Study
- Artificial Intelligence, Internet Regulation Policy, Spectrum Management Policy, Network Economics and Regulation Policy, Economic Policy Analysis, Urban Economics
- R, Python, and JAVA Programming for Economists
- Education
- Ph.D. in Economics, Syracuse University, (2000)
- M.P.A., in Public Policy, Seoul National University, (1989)
- B.A., S in Public Administration, Yonsei University, (1986)
- Major Career
- Head, Graduate School of Bio Innovation Management, College of Business, KAIST [2023~Current]
- Editorial Board Member, Telecommunications Policy, Elsevier [2018~Current]
- Local Board Member of the Scopus Expert Content Selection & Advisory Committee-Korea [2019~Current]
- Economic Advisor to the Bank of Korea, Daejeon-Chungnam Province, Daejeon, Korea [2021~2022]
- Dean, KAIST Academy, KAIST [2019~2021]
- Director, Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching, KAIST [2019~2021]
- Chair, School of Business and Technology Management, College of Business, KAIST [2015~2019]
- Head, Graduate School of Innovation and Technology Management, College of Business, KAIST [2015~2017]
- Professor, School of Business and Technology Management, College of Business, KAIST [2009~ present]
- Director, Spectrum and Future Research Center (SFRC), KAIST [2013~2017]
- Economic Advisor to the Bank of Korea, Daejeon-Chungnam Province, [2012~2015]
- Editor in chief, Journal of Korea Association for Information Society [2012~2015]
- Editorial Board Member, International Telecommunications Policy Review [2009~2011]
- IT Service Subcommittee Chairperson, Presidential Council on Informatization Strategies [2009~2011]
- Assistant and Associate Professor, IT Business School, Information and Communications University (ICU), [2001~2009]
- Senior researcher, Spectrum Engineering and Policy Research Center, Hanyang University (Ansan) [2005~2008]
- Associate Dean, IT Business School, ICU, Korea[2005~2006]
- Deputy Director, Ministry of Finance and Economy and Economic Planning Board, Korea [1990~2001]
- Key Papers
- Chung, D., Kwon, Y., & Kim, E.Z. (2023). Technology life cycle and commercialization readiness of hydrogen production technology using patent analysis. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 48(33). DOI:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2022.12.186.
- Yang, S., & Kwon, Y. (2022). Effects of mobile networks and Covid-19 on mobile shopping sales in South Korea. Telecommunications Policy, 46(9), 122408.
- Teklemariam, M.H., & Kwon, Y. (2020). Differentiating mobile broadband policies across diffusion stages: A panel data analysis. Telecommunications Policy, 44(8), 102006.
- Feijoo C., & Kwon, Y., et al. (2020). Harnessing artificial intelligence (AI) to increase wellbeing for all: The case for a new technology diplomacy. Telecommunications Policy, 44(6), 101988.
- Feijoo, C., & Kwon, Y. (2020). AI impacts on economy and society: Latest developments, open issues and new policy measures. Telecommunications Policy, 44(6), 101987.
- Feijoo, C., & Kwon, Y. edited a special issue on “Artificial intelligence, economy and society.” Telecommunications Policy, 44(6) in July, 2020.
- Invited Presentation
- “Do more AIs imply greater stability of economy and society?” Plenary Session Presentation and Discussion at the 15th ITS Aisa-Pacific Conference, Bangkok, Thailand (October 29, 2019).
- Invited Speech at the 2019 Global Artificial Intelligence Technology Conference, China Association for Artificial Intelligence (CAAI), May 25~26, Nanjing, China.
- “Brief AI history and AI applications for business” Plenary Session Presentation and Discussion at the 2018 ITS Biennial Conference, Seoul, Korea (June 26, 2018).
- Keynote Speech at the ITU Regional Standardization Forum for Bridging the Standardization Gap, Seoul (October 24, 2017).
- National, Chengchi University (NCCU). (Dec. 2012). Telecom law and convergence: Korea. Symposium on Telecom and Media in Japan, Korea and Taiwan: Policy and Industry Strategies. Taipei, Taiwan.
- TEDx-Unisinos. (Oct. 2011). Smart education plan of Korea as a new paradigm of innovation in education. Porto Alegre, Brazil
- Honors and Fellowships
- Link Genesis Best Teacher Award (2022.05), KAIST.
- Impact Research Award (2021.12), KAIST
- Best Paper Award, the 2019 Spring Conference of the Korea Society of Strategic Management, Seoul, Korea.
- 2013 Certificate of Excellence in Reviewing, Telecommunications Policy and Elsevier
- Best Paper Award, the 2005 Korea Management Information System (KMIS) International Conference, Jeju island, Korea.
- KB Best Paper Award, the AsRes/AREUEA 2002 Joint International Conference, Seoul, Korea.
- 이전
- 김륜희 (Kim, RyoonHee)
- 2021-08-19
- 다음
- 정명진 (Jeong, MyungJin)
- 2021-08-19