
정재용 (Choung, JaeYong)
기술경영학부 | 교수
Science and Technology Policy
N22, #404
- Field of Study
- Technology Management
- Science and Technology Policy
- Education
- Ph.D., in Science and Technology Policy, University of Sussex, U.K (1998)
- M.S., in Industry Strategy and Technology Management, University of Manchester, U.K (1992)
- B.A., in Trade, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies. KOREA(1986)
- Major Career
- President, The Korea Society for Innovation Management & Economics (2018-)
- Member, The National Academy of Engineering of Korea (2018-)
- Adjunct Professor, KAIST Science and Technology Policy (2017-)
- Associate Editors-in-Chief, Asian Journal of Technology Innovation (2013-)
- Director of Center for Post Catch-up Research Center [2011-]
- Professor, Department of Business and Technology Management, KAIST [2009– present]
- Director of Center for Science and Technology Strategies (KIFS) [2008– 2010]
- Visiting Professor, Communication, Culture & Technology Program, Georgetown University [2007-2008]
- Editorial Board, International Journal of Technological Learning, Innovation and Development(2007-)
- Director of Technology and Innovation Policy Research Center [2005-]
- Associate Professor, IT School of Business, Information and Communications University (ICU), [2001 –2009]
- Key Papers
- Choung JChoung J-Y. (1998), Patterns of Innovation in Korea and Taiwan. IEEE Transaction. On Engineering Management,Vol.45. No. 4, pp.357-365.
- Choung J-Y. H-R Hwang, J-H Choi, M-H Rim(2000), Transition of Latecomer firms: Technology User to Technology Generator, Case study of Technological Capability Accumulation of Korean Semiconductor firms, World Development, Vol.28.No.5, pp.969-982.
- Choung J-Y, H-R Hwang, H-S Yang(2006), The co-evolution of technology and institution in the Korean Information and Communications Industry, International Journal of Technology Management, Vol. 36, N0.1, pp.246-266.
- Choung J-Y, I Ji, T. Hameed(2011) International Standardization Strategies of Latecomers: The Cases of Korean TPEG, T-DMB and Binary CDMA, World Development, Volume 39, Issue 5, May 2011, pp. 824-838.
- Choung J-Y, T. Hameed, I. Ji(2011), Role of Formal Standards in Transition to the Technology Frontier: Korean ICT Systems, Telecommunications Policy, Vol.35, PP.269-287 .
- Choung J-Y, T. Hameed, I. Ji (2012), Catch-up in ICT standards by South Korea: Policy, Implementation and Standards-Setting, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, Volume 79, Issue 4, May 2012, pp. 771-788.
- Choung J-Y, H-R Hwang(2013), The Evolutionary Patterns of Knowledge Production in Korea, Scientometrics, Volume 94, Issue 2, pp. 629-650.
- Choung J-Y, H-R Hwang, W Song(2014), Transitions of Innovation Activities in Latecomer Countries: An Exploratory Case Study of South Korea, World Development, Vol. 54, pp. 156-167
- 이전
- 정현주 (Jung, HyunJu)
- 2021-08-19
- 다음
- 이철호 (Lee, ChulHo)
- 2021-08-19