
허영은 (Huh, YoungEun)
기술경영학부 | 부교수
N22, #309
- Field of Study
- Consumer Judgment and Decision Making
- Self-control
- Motivation
- Hedonic Consumption
- Food Consumption
- Education
- Ph.D., Marketing (Minor: Social and Decision Sciences), Carnegie Mellon University, 2013
- M.S., Marketing, Carnegie Mellon University, 2009
- M.B.A., Marketing, Seoul National University, 2006
- B.B.A., Business Administration and B.A., French (Double Major), Korea University, 2003
- Major Career
- Associate Professor, Department of Business and Technology Management, KAIST, 2017-present
- Assistant Professor, Department of Marketing, HKUST, Hong Kong, 2013-2017
- Key Papers
- Huh, Young Eun, Joachim Vosgerau, and Carey K. Morewedge (2016) “Selective Sensitization: Consuming a Food Activates a Goal to Consume its Complements,” Journal of Marketing Research, 53(6), 1034-1049.
- Huh, Young Eun, Joachim Vosgerau, and Carey K. Morewedge (2016) “More Similar but Less Satisfying: Comparing Preferences for and the Efficacy of Within- and Cross-Category Substitutes for Food,” Psychological Science, 27(6), 894-903.
- Huh, Young Eun, Joachim Vosgerau, and Carey K. Morewedge (2014) “Social Defaults: Observed Choices Become Choice Defaults,” Journal of Consumer Research, 41(October), 746-60.
- 이전
- 김병필 (Kim, ByoungPil)
- 2021-08-19
- 다음
- 한승헌 (Han, SeungHun)
- 2021-08-19