
우리나라 바이오·헬스 산업의
핵심인재를 육성합니다.


교수 엄지용 (Eom, JiYong)

기술경영학부 | 부교수

Energy & Environmental Economics and Management


  • +82-(0)42-350-6324

  • N5, #2120

  • Field of Study
    • Energy & Environmental Economics and Management
    • Integrated Technology Assessments for Policy Analysis
    • Climate Financial Risk Management
    • Environmental Operations Management
  • Courses
    • BTM702 Research Methodologies II
    • ITM530 EEWS Technology Foresight
    • GG570E Green Technology and Industry
    • GG572E Energy & Environmental Economics
  • Education
    • Ph.D. in Management Science & Engineering, Stanford University [2009]
    • M.S. in Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, KAIST [2002]
    • B.S. in Chemical Engineering, Yonsei University [2000]
  • Major Career
    • Director, Center for Sustainable Development at KAIST [2020-Present]
    • Associate Professor, Department of Business and Technology Management, KAIST [2020-Present]
    • Head, Graduate School of Green Growth, KAIST [2019-Present]
    • Associate Professor, Department of Management Engineering, KAIST [2016-2020]
    • Assistant Professor, Department of Management Engineering, KAIST [2013-2016]
    • Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Management of Technology, Sogang University [2013]
    • Staff Researcher, Joint Global Change Research Institute, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA [20092013]
    • Research Scientist, Corporate R&D Center, LG Chem. [2002-2004]
  • Awards
    • Highly Cited Researchers (Social Science Area), Clarivate Analytics, 2020
    • Highly Cited Researchers (Social Science Area), Clarivate Analytics, 2019
    • Fulbright Mid-Career Research Award, Korean-American Education Commission, 2018-2019
    • Dennis J. O’Brien Student Paper Award, USAEE/IAEE Annual Conference, 2008
  • Academic Appointments
    • Associate Editor, Oxford Open Climate Change [2020-2023]
    • Associate Editor, ASCE’s Journal of Energy Engineering [2021-]
    • Contributing Author, WGIII (Mitigation of Climate Change), IPCC AR5 Assessment Report [2012-2014]
  • Key Papers