

교수 김륜희 (Kim, RyoonHee)

기술경영학부 | 조교수



  • +82-(0)42-350-6323

  • N22, #505

  • Field of Study
    • Empirical corporate finance
    • Corporate capital structure
    • Product market interactions (competition, customer-supplier relationships)
    • International Finance
  • Education
    • Ph.D. in Finance, The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA (2011)
    • M.S. in Management Engineering, KAIST, KOREA (2006)
    • B.S. in Management Engineering, KAIST, KOREA (2003)
  • Major Career
    • Assistant Professor, Department of Business and Technology Management, KAIST [Aug. 2020 - present]
    • Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Soongsil University [Mar. 2019 - Jul. 2020]
    • Visiting Professor, Department of Management Engineering, KAIST [Sep. 2018 – Dec. 2018]
    • Assistant Professor, Department of Economics and Finance, City University of Hong Kong [Aug. 2011 - Aug. 2018]
  • Key Papers
    • Customer Concentration and Earnings Management: Evidence from the Sarbanes–Oxley Act, 2021, European Accounting Review (IF=2.516, Accounting Q1)
    • Do Firm Boundaries Matter? The Impact of Chinese Imports on US Conglomerates, 2020, Journal of Derivatives and Quantitative Studies (KCI)
    • Capital structure decisions along the supply chain: evidence from import competition, 2019, Journal of International Business Studies (IF=7.724 , UT Dallas 24)
    • Do Business Groups Help Their Affiliated Firms in Their Performance?: Evidence from the Time of High External Capital Market Frictions, 2019, 재무연구 (KCI)
    • Financial weakness and product market performance: internal capital market evidence, 2016, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis (IF=2.707, FT 50)