

교수 이덕희 (Lee, DukHee)

기술경영학부 | 교수



  • +82-(0)42-350-6306

  • N22, #405

  • Field of Study
    • Network & Complexity Economics
    • ICT Economics & Policy
    • Innovation System & Clusters
    • Economic Feasibility & Cost-Benefit Analysis
  • Education
    • Ph.D. in Economics, State University of New York at Buffalo, USA(1996)
    • M.A. in Economics, Graduate School of Korea University , Seoul, KOREA, (1989)
    • B.A. in Economics, Korea University, Seoul, KOREA, (1986)
  • Major Career
    • Director, MBA Program, Dept. of Management Science, KAIST [Apr 2009 -present]
    • Professor, Department of Business and Technology Management, KAIST [Mar 2009 -present]
    • Director, IT-Business Research Institute, KAIST[ Mar 2009 - present]
    • Associate Dean, School of IT-Business, Information and Communications University (ICU)[ Jan 2003 - Jan 2005]
    • Director, IT-Business Research Institute, ICU [Apr. 2006 -Feb 2009]
    • Associate Professor, School of IT-Business, ICU [Apr. 2005-Feb 2009]
    • Assistant Professor, School of IT-Business, ICU Aug. 1996 -Jan. 2002]
    • Research Fellow, Division of Digital Economy Studies, Korea Institute of Industrial Economics and Trade (KIET)
  • Key Papers
    • Lee, DH ,Seo, IW ,Choe, HC ,Kim, HD, Collaboration Network Patterns and Research Performance: the Case of Korean Public Research Institutions, Scientometrics 91(3), 925-942, 2012
    • Lee, DH ,Lee, DH, Increase in Telecommunications Expenditure and the Migration of Consumption Online: The Case of South Korea, Information Society, 28(2), pp.61-82, 2012.
    • Park, SY ,Kim, JW ,Lee, DH, Development of a market penetration forecasting model for Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles considering infrastructure and cost reduction effects, Energy Policy, 39(6), pp.3307-3315, Jun 2011
    • Lee, J ,Lee, DH, Estimating mobile network externality surcharges in Korea, International Journal of Mobile Communications, 9(6), pp.584-603, 2011
    • Lee, D, Jung, M, Economic effects of trade patterns on productivity: Evidence from the Korean automobile industry, JAPAN and The World Economy, 21(1), pp.71-84, Jan, 2009
    • Lee, DH ,Lee, DH, Estimating Consumer Surplus in the Mobile Telecommunications Market: The Case of Korea, Telecommunications Policy, 30(10-11), 605-621, 2006.